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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Not just boy-friends, but best-boy-friends ever!

You see, it’s always easier for me to hang out with the guys. Less drama. Less chaos. Less gossip. Less controversy. I don’t generally dig into the conclusion that having girl-best friends are so difficult to handle. In fact, I have lots of female friends from all walks of life. It’s just that I feel so comfortable with guys because I think they are more caring, more loving, more protective and most especially, good at keeping secrets. Hey, no offense to all my girl bffs. This article is meant for them -  my guy-best friends. I’ll write about you and the girly-thingamabob next time.

I have numerous male-best buddies and all of them can attest to the fact that I make a great best friend. I can say that with conviction. Haha Well, let’s not talk about how many times I got wasted and puke on them after a night of beer guzzling. Not to mention the number of times they drove me home because I am unaware that sun is the center of the solar system and moving around it are the planets. Don’t worry, this usually happens during full moon. Haha I call it temporary insanity. During these chaotic nights of becoming wasted with them, I know I’m on the safe side. Things could never go wrong when they’re around.

At times when I needed to share all my sentiments in life, they have the best ears to offer, to listen to all my hang-ups. They have the strongest shoulders to lean on when I feel that I am at war with the universe. Oftentimes, when I feel that society’s scorn has defeated me, they comfort me and never failed to make me feel special.  When my tantrum strikes, their weapon is silence. And do you ever wonder what the best advice they've ever given me? They told me to always take a cup of Shut Up. And when I do so, everything is peaceful and calm. Haisst..

With them, I am more carefree and kindred spirit. I don’t worry if my lipstick isn't red or my shoes aren't high-heeled. I don’t care if they hear me fart. We’d smell it together and burst into evil laughter. I don’t care if they hear my rhythmic snoring; even Bob Marley could fall asleep with it. I don’t care if they call me fat; I have more reasons to feel motivated to keep up with my diet. Though I feel appreciated when they tell me I’m at my best.

Sometimes, I can’t relate when they jabber about guns and cars, gadgets and doohickey, steve jobs and mafia wars, x-men and marvel comics, guns n’ roses to eminem; I just nod my head and patiently accepts the fact that I am in a men’s secret society. They are building an army and they have successfully recruited me. Haha

Certainly, my friendship with them was built on a solid foundation. No pretenses.  I can be what I ought to be. And I am just lucky enough having them as my male-best friends. Some things are just meant to last. And if silence between us exist, I know I don’t have to worry.. True friendship comes when silence between friends become comfortable. They’re just there. I’m just here. We’ll always be here for each other.
Thank you for the gift of a beautiful friendship, bestfriends: Bambi, Abs, Gwen and Junlie

With my college bestest-best friend, Bambi :)
With my badminton-travel-bike buddy, Abs :)
With my reggae-buddy, Stickfrekk

With my highschool  buddy, Gwen :)

PS. Please stop worrying because I’m single. I know he hasn't come yet. And if a brave soul should take a leap of faith with me, then I can’t find any reason why I shouldn't match such courage. This time, I won’t be needing your approval. hahaha

I love you all, guys :)